God Beneath My Wings! 








Either For Or Against

The best known secret to looking younger, is not found, in how you are dressed

Physical clothes cannot rid you of malice and strife, or take away burden and stress

You must take off the old coat, of sin and shame, take off the robe….. of unforgiveness

Then you will be cloaked anew, in joy, peace and love, if you put on the robe…of righteousness

Spiritually speaking, there are two types of people, as far as God, is concerned

It makes no difference if you are a ‘have or have-not’, educated or unlearned

Are you, an unrepentant sinner, and God’s love you continue to spurn?

Or are you, a saint gloriously saved by grace, awaiting the Saviour’s return?

Almost is just……. not good enough, when you are late, for the ferry or the bus

It’s not good enough, to attend church daily, or faithfully pay dues, without a fuss

For if you almost miss heaven, you will surely be in hell, take warning, consider the cost

Let not your tombstone be read, like that of King Agrippa, ‘Almost persuaded, but lost’

Life consists mainly of choices, from the very simple to the complex

Whom do I marry? Where do I work? These are real concerns that must be addressed?

But once you’ve heard the Gospel message, you have to face the question

Will you stay in sin or choose Jesus? This is really life’s most important decision

We are always on time for work and church, and other important events

And for the doctor or the dentist, we endeavour to keep our appointments

Yet why do you gamble your soul? Why do you procrastinate?

When the Saviour in mercy is calling today, for tomorrow may will be too late

Mankind has such a compulsion, to search for self gratification

Some trust in materials and prestige, while others seek fame and adoration

But our greatest needs can only be met, in Christ the source of true pleasure

For to know Him as Saviour and Lord, is to find joy and peace without measure

If you believe that Heaven is real, then you must believe in Hell too

Hell was prepared for the devil and fallen angels, it was never prepared for you

At the end of your journey on earth, you will be awarded your just pay

Will it be the wages of eternal death or life? What will be your fate on that day?

Even as Christians we must choose, as servants in God’s employ

We either bring dishonour to our Master, or we bring glory to our Lord

But in His mercy, though you may fail, and live as a disobedient son

The Father is always calling the prodigal, who has left home and is out on the run

It’s either for or against; Either the straight and narrow path that leads to Heaven

Or the broad way of doom and gloom; that spirals down to hell and destruction

When it comes to the Kingdom of God, there is nothing to lose! there is everything to gain!

Oh that your sojourn will lead to everlasting Light, then your life would not be in vain

By Mazie Halliday and Vinette Halliday

March, 2014

​Either For Or Against

By Mazie Halliday and Vinette Halliday

March, 2015

Recite A New Poem To Inspire Our Brother!