God Beneath My Wings!
To my Home Sweet Home!
Sugar City
Queen of the of Caribbees!
Liamuiga and Oualie!
What The Colours Of Our Flag Mean To Me
The colours of our noble flag, celebrate our Nation's Independence;
Vibrant colours enceinte in meaning, extol our assets and achievements.
Often, I contemplate God's sovereign leading, in shaping our illustrious history;
But His divine governing in my life, endears these colours much more to me.
The joy of all joys to know, the symbolism of the colour red;
For on the cross of Calvary, God's blood for me was shed.
The mystery of mysteries! I would really like to know ,
How crimson blood could wash scarlet sins, and make them white as snow.
How can I expect the terrain of my heart, to germinate green verdant fields;
If daily I do not seek God's face, or spend time on bended knee?
O that I would take hold of His precepts, and on them meditate day and night;
Surely I would blossom and flourish, once His Word is my utmost delight.
The yellow stripes point to Jesus Christ, the Bright and Morning Star;
He guides me along my journey, as His golden rays light my path.
Until I reach my promised home in Heaven, where I will walk on golden streets;
For there I will bask in His sun lit smile as I worship at His feet.
I am a Prince/Princess of Africa! The black slash beats loudly as any drum!
Its colour pays tribute to our forefathers, who valiantly fought for our nation's freedom.
I walk with my shoulders squared high, not only because I am proud to be black;
For having been fashioned in God's image, is the more amazing fact.
Two stars glowing steadily, two stars burning faithfully;
For I am wondrously saved not for time alone, but for all the ages of eternity.
White reminds me that as God's child I am dressed in robes of righteousness;
Though often I fall, He never fails to forgive, when in repentance to Him I confess.
A total of 104 square miles between the two islands of St. Kitts and Nevis;
A population of 40 000 yet we are a mighty force to be reckoned with.
Raising His banner and standard high, ought to be our single determination;
For a nation that depends solely on God is truly an independent Nation.
by Vinette Walker
August, 2015