God Beneath My Wings! 








Praise Be To God!

From sweet repose Thy children gladly rise

Restored, revitalized and energized

The flush of dawn spreads o’er the eastern sky

As praise and thankfulness to heaven fly

Praise God for the sun beaming through the trees

Praise Him for the balmy air and rushing breeze

Praise Him for the majestic hills and mountains tall

Praise for the seas and creation all

The creatures of the deep their voices raise

Fowls in the field, birds and bees wing their praise

Brute beasts, all animals join the chorus too

Let’s praise and adore Him, as the angels do

Praise cheers the hearts and lifts the dropping spirit

Praise calms the fearful soul and heals the broken heart

Praise frees the prisoner and smoothes the brow that’s wrinkled

Praise reaches heaven and delights the heart of God

Through the maze of childhood the Lord was there

The changing scenes and joys and sorrow to share

In sickness or health, poverty or wealth, praise the Lord

Praise Him for the constancy of His word.

Olivet Choir: Sing harmoniously! Praise Him!

Every time you render songs to Him.

We invite you all to join the celebration

And Praise the God of our salvation

So here we are the faithful members

The Lord keeps alive the glowing embers

We zealously sing and praise His Name

And all God’s creation will do the same

By Mazie Halliday

Tribute to the Olivet Choir

June, 2003

Written By Mazie Halliday

Tribute to The Olivet Choir

June, 2003

Recite A New Poem To Inspire Our Brother!